On the 17th and 18th of November my team "PixelPerfext" and I had the chance to take part in our first UI/UX Hackaton in Switzerland, the SIGArthon 2023. We had 24 hours to design and propose our design of a measurement app for the steakholder SIGA. To start with, we were given precise information about the persona and a proposed user journey. After 24 hours of questioning, testing, wireframing, prototyping and not too much sleep, we presented our app "TwinDo", which can create a digital twin of a window. It was a great experience with a lot of lessons about teamwork, timing and focusing on the most important things.
SIGArthon 2023
HS 2023
SIGArthon, UI/UX Hackaton
HSLU Rotkreuz 
Hackaton for SIGA
Teamwork with Grace Wu,
Julia Merz, Melisa Güda
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